DATV QO-100 project
18 July 2020

12 October 2020
Pole in the concrete, Today, small work to build antenna arms and support for helix feed. (reduced to 3 turns) and put the helix into waterproof box. (PVC pipe).
21 october 2020
Installation of the 2m dish. Pointing is not very easy. First tests in CW and SSB was conducted with Bird ad hoc elements.(431-17 , 432-15 , 433-37).
Finally 2w is too strong, Leila is not happy. 500 mw seems OK in SSB.(same level of the beacon). Next step, DATV PA but waiting components.
31 october 2020
For another test, I Built 2nd POTY feed. New adjustable frame support finished. But too much wind on the hill. I have to strengthen the support of the 2m dish ... with arms at the bottom of the pipe.
And Construction of new 13cm filter.
Soon, tests…
Transceiver, Up converter, Down converter are stabilized with 10 Mhz OCXO VECTRON 718Y3811 (Adjustable in frequency), powered by 13VDC.
After some tests with a GPSDO, I found such a good result with these OCXOs. Easily found on eBay and much cheaper.
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