In memory of SM5DQC Osten, our friend and QSL manager,
For 9Q1EK and 9Q1TB
For 9Q1EK and 9Q1TB
Silent key 2007 - September the 6th
To everyone, Please, if you have any more pictures or articles for Osten SM5DQC, Pse, let me know to update this page.

Osten, you are not here to heard my CW pile up this night, but you are not too far from us.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Osten.
Thanks a million for his involvement in the Ham radio community.

He was busy with all antennas checking before the winter
"Osten B Magnusson"
03/09/2007 14:40
GA Georges!
Thanks for the log - it's already on
and uploaded to LoTW. I have also informed Bernie at
DailyDX that you will be on leave.
I wish you a pleasant vacation in France, I suppose
with the family.
73 de Osten SM5DQC
"Osten B Magnusson"
03/09/2007 10:15
Hello Philippe and Georges!
> I have been busy here, all antennas are down in order to have
> them checked before the winter arrives - summer is gone here
> now. All QSL's received are answered same day (or in some
> cases the day after) I receive them. All QSO's have now also
> been uploaded to LoTW and as usual
> All the best to both of you, and now back to the garden and
> antenna-work again before it starts raining again - it's rainy
> and windy here almost every day!
> 73/DX from Sweden and your friend Osten SM5DQC
Article from SM5DQC two month before silent key.
Posted 28/08/2007 09:43:26 AM
New Logs coming to LoTW soon!August 27th, 2007Update from Osten SM5DQC…I have been thinking (it happens…) and I am going to upload the 9Q1EK and 9Q1TB logs to LoTW. I will also continue to upload new logs I receive for those two stations as I receive the updates, which is usually about once a week. There is a reason for not uploading earlier: I have worked almost all the DX there is to work, and as my XYL for 40 years passed away in cancer October 28th 2002 I wanted to have something to keep me occupied.IF you don’t find your call in the LoTW, please e-mail me as it can very well be a “busted call” which often happens due to the QRN in Kinshasa. All the best to all of you and my apologies to those on LoTW who have already spent money for the cards - should you however want paper QSL’s I will of course continue with those.I have also uploaded the logs for my own calls ZK1EQL (2002) and CU2/SM7EQL (2005). Osten also reports that he has some paper logs for 8Q7CH and ZF2QL which are hard to read, and just MAYBE one day he will be able to upload them as well… No promises here though.73/DX de Osten SM5DQC[ source
I was stunned this morning to find this… Osten and I had exchanged emails about Congo and his recently acquired spiderbeam mast.
From Phil 9Q1TB
This is received this morning from Phil, 9Q1TB (F5LTB)
Cher Maurice,
Its with a very great sadness I’ve to inform the Ham community of Osten, SM5DQC’s passing, on
The evening before, we were phoning us about his intention to check his antennas before winter as he did every year.For Georges (9Q1EK) and I, he was our so efficient QSL manager. We are awaiting some more information.
First 160m CW QSO with Osten.------------------------------------------------------------------
"Osten B Magnusson"
Hello Georges
thanks QSO on 160 meters! QSO March 2nd at
2140 UTC ….OK as all Europe was on
frequency... Later you were up to 579, but what a pile-up, and when you asked for
a specific station all others answered too!
73 de Osten SM5DQC
-----------------------------------------------------------------John SM5DJZ follow up on this Osten way and his our new QSL manager.
First 160m CW QSO with Osten.------------------------------------------------------------------
"Osten B Magnusson"
Hello Georges
thanks QSO on 160 meters! QSO March 2nd at
2140 UTC ….OK as all Europe was on
frequency... Later you were up to 579, but what a pile-up, and when you asked for
a specific station all others answered too!
73 de Osten SM5DQC
-----------------------------------------------------------------John SM5DJZ follow up on this Osten way and his our new QSL manager.
Tnx John